WeatherGaming - Staff Application

Moderators: PERP Admin, PERP Super Admin

Hall of VG
Hall of VG
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WeatherGaming - Staff Application

Post by WeatherGaming » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:04 pm

Steam Name: Weathergaming

In-Game Name(s): Jake Weather

Age: 21

Steam ID: 76561198000955138

Garry's Mod Experience: I been mostly a player though my time playing GMod.

How long have you been playing Garry's Mod? I have been playing GMod for over 10 years

Have you played on our PERP server before? If so, how long have you been a regular player? Yes I have played on vG's PERP Server before. I was a regular player on PERP about 10 years ago.

Admin Experience:

Have you been an admin or moderator on any other Garry's Mod servers or gaming communities? If so, please provide details. I have not been a admin or moderator on a GMod Server before.

What skills or qualities do you possess that make you a suitable candidate for an admin role on our server? Some skills I possess that make me a suitable candidate is that I am a fast and willing learner. I also love to help others in need and teach them the right ways if they need help.


How many hours per week can you dedicate to server administration? I should be able to dedicate about 24 hours of my time during the week.

What is your typical availability during the week? (Include time zone) I work every other day with a 4 day off period at the end of my rotation. I live in the EST time zone.

Scenario Questions:

Please answer these hypothetical scenario questions to help us understand how you would handle certain situations as an admin.

A player is repeatedly breaking roleplay rules and disrupting the game. How would you handle this situation? I would give a verbal warning and remind them to read the rules and if they have questions to ask. If they continue I would tell them what they are doing warn and kick them. If they still continue I would kick them once more. After 1 warn and 2 kicks and they still break the rule I would ban for the recommended amount of time.

A player is accusing another player of cheating, but there is no clear evidence. How would you approach this issue? I would document the issue and report it it up to higher staff members. I would the observed the suspected cheater for a set amount of time and then go from what my findings from my investigation.

You receive a report of harassment or inappropriate behavior in the in-game chat. What steps would you take to address this report? I would conduct an oral interview with the victims and read the chat logs and ask if they have any video evidence. If they claims are true I would bring the suspect to a sit and have a talk with them and ask them to stop and I would follow the recommend punishment set in place.

Server-Specific Questions:

What do you enjoy most about our PERP server, and what improvements or changes would you suggest to make it even better? I love the freedom I have to RP what I want as long as I stay with in the rules and I can build a massive base like I use to back in the good old days. I wish I could have a little bit more creative freedom with props and what not for may bases I will build.

Are there any specific roleplay scenarios or events you would like to introduce or organize on our server? Yes, I would love to rp out a massive wildfire that consumes the whole city and as Fire Chief I have to coordinate an emergency response and save the city.

Additional Information:

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself or your qualifications for this admin role? Yes. This makes me feel extremely nostalgic. 10 years ago I was no for trolling, mining, being a squeaker, and my very long ban record over 100 bans and 10 of those being perma bans. I know a lot of you may know me as Captain_Weather and the kid who sang a rap to get un banned from a perma ban, but 10 years later look at me, I am back where I belong home at vG. And I can very proudly say that I am not banned.

Do you have any friends or acquaintances who currently play on our server? If so, please provide their in-game names (optional). Yes I do. I do not know there in game name, but I believe they should be recognized as I am returning play with a long history at vG. Wheety, CVey, Paris, mikhail, MaZe, Miniman0404, DrPepper and so much more. I am happy to be back. Thank you all for having me back.


By submitting this application, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the server rules, and I agree to abide by them as an admin. I also understand that providing false information on this application may result in the rejection of my application or the removal of my admin privileges if granted.

Signature: [Jake Weather]

Once applicants complete this form, you can review their responses to determine if they meet the criteria for becoming an admin on your Garry's Mod PERP server. Be sure to conduct interviews or further assessments to gauge their suitability for the role if needed. Good luck with your admin recruitment process!

Community Director
Community Director
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Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:29 pm

Re: WeatherGaming - Staff Application

Post by Kronix » Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:46 am

Denied: inactive from the server. You may reapply when active.
