Character Application Template

Apply for a new character.
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:59 am

Character Application Template

Post by LaserBeems » Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:06 pm

Steam Name:

Character Name:



Item Requests:

Force Sensitive?:

Character Name must be appropriate and fit the Universe. No celebrity, other fictional characters, or offensive language can be used for a character name. No characters may have names that make them relate/become canon characters. Your character application may be denied altogether.

This is the same description you will use in game, updates to your description may be made at any time, but any drastic changes must be approved and done in-character through facial reconstruction, disguise, etc.

Your backstory does not need to be three pages long, but we also don’t want to see only one sentence. Put some thought into your characters! Details like where they came from, what they’ve done, and what their goals may be. This will provide more entertaining RP as your character feels like a part of the universe they’re in.

If your character has items that you wish for them to have when they arrive on the planet, be sure to note them here. Please know that not all Items will be granted and approval for them is at our discretion.

All force sensitivity must be approved, all force powers must be trained to be used, and not every character can be force sensitive.
