Pvt_Parts - Staff Application

Moderators: PERP Admin, PERP Super Admin

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2023 6:59 pm

Pvt_Parts - Staff Application

Post by Pvt_Parts » Fri Sep 15, 2023 7:21 pm

Steam Name: Pvt. Parts

In-Game Name(s): Chet Dresley

Age: 27

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26120832

Garry's Mod Experience: An embarrassingly long time...

How long have you been playing Garry's Mod? Have like 8000 hours.

Have you played on our PERP server before? If so, how long have you been a regular player? Yep. Grew up playing BizRP, then PG, and a few others. Ran a server of my own for a couple years as well. Intimately familiar with the gamemode and it's code.

Admin Experience: Several years on and off. Been everything from a Mod to an Owner.

Have you been an admin or moderator on any other Garry's Mod servers or gaming communities? If so, please provide details. See above again. None that are still standing (as far as I'm aware) except for Superior Servers. Not really sure what details to provide except that I love growing communities and mentoring new players.

What skills or qualities do you possess that make you a suitable candidate for an admin role on our server? I'm older, so the "kewl i'm an admin" effect wore off a long time ago. I'm passionate about web design, game servers/hosting, and some coding. Without revealing personal details I'm a fun supervisor and really enjoy mentoring both players and staff members alike. Would love to see PERP become popular again.

Availability: Work in Germany, so typically evenings Berlin time and weekends on and off. On Discord during the days though (text only)

How many hours per week can you dedicate to server administration? 10-20 depending on the week. As I said, I'm passionate about this. Ideally I'd like to get on/help out the Dev team or fill a Management position and take this off the ground. I was working with Paris and Wheaty when this was just aSocket. We were making separate tweaks to it, but Paris is a far better coder so I'd prefer to work with you guys instead of my own copy.

What is your typical availability during the week? (Include time zone) This is described above.

Scenario Questions:

Please answer these hypothetical scenario questions to help us understand how you would handle certain situations as an admin.

A player is repeatedly breaking roleplay rules and disrupting the game. How would you handle this situation?
Depends on what they're doing. If they're just here to fuck around and minge, I'll be less inclined to talk to them and figure out what's up. Everyone has bad days. If it's a player I'm familiar with or one who maybe just isn't acting right, I'll totally pull them aside and just try to chat. See what's up. If it continues, it's the usual warn>kick>ban.

A player is accusing another player of cheating, but there is no clear evidence. How would you approach this issue?
Chat with both parties, try to make an informed decision. If I'm not able to do that, I'll keep an eye on both players moving forward and resolve it so that both parties are satisfied.

You receive a report of harassment or inappropriate behavior in the in-game chat. What steps would you take to address this report?
No tolerance for that sort of thing. If there's any proof whatsoever, I'll let the violator know what they've done wrong and issue a ban according to the severity of the act.

Server-Specific Questions:

What do you enjoy most about our PERP server, and what improvements or changes would you suggest to make it even better?
The community. Servers need rules, but PERP should be about having fun ultimately. We don't need sweats throwing tantrums. As far as improvements, I say keep it simple. Make the core gameplay rock-solid and lag-free, and do lots of community work/events. That works way better than adding 400 garbage/half broken features.

Are there any specific roleplay scenarios or events you would like to introduce or organize on our server?
I always enjoyed organizing parkour events. I have some custom items that can be added to the gamemode that make great gifts. Would be happy to show/explain that if it's considered.

Additional Information:

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself or your qualifications for this admin role?
Nothing I can think of. I'd really just like to be a part of the time and get this server off the ground.

Do you have any friends or acquaintances who currently play on our server? If so, please provide their in-game names (optional).
Nope. I'm acquainted with Paris and Wheaty but not sure how much they're involved now that VG has taken over.


By submitting this application, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the server rules, and I agree to abide by them as an admin. I also understand that providing false information on this application may result in the rejection of my application or the removal of my admin privileges if granted.

Signature: Chet Dresley (Pvt. Parts)

Once applicants complete this form, you can review their responses to determine if they meet the criteria for becoming an admin on your Garry's Mod PERP server. Be sure to conduct interviews or further assessments to gauge their suitability for the role if needed. Good luck with your admin recruitment process!

Community Director
Community Director
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:29 pm

Re: Pvt_Parts - Staff Application

Post by Kronix » Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:43 am

Denied: inactive from the server. You may reapply when active.
