PERP X - Rules
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 4:57 am
1. General Rules:
2. Roleplay:
3. Weapons:
4. Mugging:
5. Basing & Raiding:
Basing -
6. Driving:
7. General Job Rules:
Job Rules
8. Police & Police Chief:
Police -
Police Chief -
9. SWAT & FBI:
10. Fire & EMS:
Fire Department -
11. Mayor & SS:
Mayor -
12. Road Crew, Taxi & Bus Driver:
Road Crew -
Terms & Definitions:
RDM = Random Death Match.
RP = Roleplay
FearRP = Fear Roleplay; Roleplaying fear.
FailRP = Fail Roleplay; Not roleplaying realistically.
OOC = Out Of Character.
LOOC = Local Out Of Character.
IC = In Character.
CDM/VDM = Car/Vehicle Death Match; Purposely killing with a vehicle.
NLR = New Life Rule; You forget your old life after you die.
NLR Timer = 15 minutes.
AOS = Arrest On Sight.
ARDM = Attempted Random Death Match.
RA = Random Arrest.
LTAP = Leave To Avoid Punishment; Leaves server to avoid ban, IC jail time, arrest, etc.
Metagaming = Using OOC/meta information in IC situations.
Powergaming = Using /roll or /me commands in unrealistic ways to gain the advantage in roleplay scenarios.
- 1.1. Playing the server means you have read the rules, acknowledged and understand them; Stating you were unaware of such a rule is not an excuse. If you need clarification on a rule, you may use /report.
- 1.2. Harassment of any member in the community is unacceptable and will immediately result in a ban.
- 1.3. No loopholes or gray areas.
- 1.4. Hacking, cheating, exploiting of any kind will result in an immediate permanent ban.
- 1.5. No spamming in chat. (Voice and Text chat)
- 1.6. No arguing in OOC.
- 1.7. No purposeful drama or trolling.
- 1.8. Attempting to act malicious in any way OOC will result in an immediate ban.
- 1.9. No racism in OOC. IC is limited if done in a proper roleplay manner; The use of hard R or Nazi representation will be banned.
- 1.10. Use /report for any issues. Do not use OOC.
- 1.11. No promotion of any other community.
- 1.12. Use common sense.
- 1.13. Staff members may use discretion but will decide if the player may be taking things too far.
2. Roleplay:
- 2.1. Use of above head info can be used in-roleplay if the other player has given their roleplay name or the character you are on has met the other player’s character before. NLR does apply if you die in-game.
- 2.2. If you’re a civilian and aware of any player's name. You may not become a Government Official to use that against them. (Example: A specific player enjoys growing more frequently but you know of him. You may not become a government official to use this information as an advantage to get a warrant.)
- 2.3. Value your life. (Example: Do not constantly kill yourself when running from police. Make decisions based on how you would in real life. Take precautions and not take unnecessary risks unless absolutely needed too.)
- 2.4. Do not RDM.
- 2.5. Do not FailRP/MingeRP.
- 2.6. Do not break NLR.
- 2.7. Do not Powergame.
- 2.8. Do not abuse Physgun in roleplay. No prop pushing, surfing, flying or entrapment.
- 2.9. Do not CDM purposely. Running on the road is not an excuse to report CDM. You should’ve looked both ways.
- 2.10. /advert is only used to advertise shops/sales - You may include your in-game name to /pm. The Police Chief and Mayor may also use /advert to report incidents within the city or update civilians.
- 2.11. No SexRP.
- 2.12. Do not craft in public locations and the General Store!
- 2.13. Do not base or build in unowned property or public locations.
- 2.14. Do not grow in public locations or unowned property.
- 2.15. Do not kill Fire or EMS for doing their jobs.
- 2.16. You may not abuse Fire or EMS for personal or organization benefits. (Example: Becoming EMS and basing with org members to revive them.)
- 2.17. Do not Metagame.
- 2.18. In-game roleplay names must be a proper noun subject to a specific person; which would be your RP name. Staff may decide if in-game roleplay names are taken too far.
- 2.19. /roll may be used in a valid RP situation but players must not use this to powergame for their own benefit in roleplay. If you feel this may be happening, stay with the roleplay but use /report and ask an admin.
- 2.20. Spawn room or known as the Government Center is a safe zone. Do not rob or kill players who are spawning or in the zone. Do not use molotovs in the Government Center.
- 2.21. Must have a valid RP reason to evade the police. (Example: Being a wanted suspect, committing a crime and on the run, or a warrant. Purposely evading police for minor offenses that wouldn’t typically require jail time is considered FailRP.)
- 2.22. Do not constantly target a specific player in-game which prevents them from roleplay. Such as repeated raiding, mugging, or kidnappings, etc. If found that you’re targeting and harassing players in-game, this will result in an immediate ban.
- 2.23. Do not break RP. If there is an issue in-game during roleplay. Use /report and ask an admin or use /LOOC to engage a conversation without breaking roleplay. (Local OOC)
- 2.24. Do not kill another player without roleplay based intentions. You must have a valid reason to commit violence towards another player. (For example: Real life scenarios, such as an argument with a stranger, disagreements turned into fist fights. Killing police for receiving harsh words or tickets is RDM. Weapons may not be shot unless it is the absolute last resort.)
- 2.25. If you are arrested, held hostage while in the line of sight, or restrained. You must follow FearRP. Failing to listen is considered FailRP.
- 2.26. You must have a valid RP reason to bait police.
- 2.27. You must have a valid RP reason to assassinate the Mayor. (Example: Unjust laws, Corruption, Taxes over 35%, violating civil rights, targeting police towards you or your organization.)
- 2.28. Stolen vehicles may only be held for 30 minutes. The vehicle must be chopped, destroyed or released to an area accessible to the public such as a parking lot.
- 2.29. Hitman RP is allowed if the player ordering a hit has a valid RP reason to justify killing the other player. The hitman must still abide by server rules in accordance to a hit. The hitman must /pm the person who hired them that the hit is complete with the victims name.
- 2.30. Do not abuse the bank robbery system.
- 2.31. Use common sense. Things that typically couldn’t be done in real life don’t do it in roleplay.
3. Weapons:
- 3.1. By default all weapons are illegal until the Mayor states otherwise.
- 3.2. You must have a valid RP reason to throw a molotov.
- 3.3. You may not use molotovs in shops or the Government Center (Spawn).
- 3.4. Do not punchwhore. (Randomly punching players)
4. Mugging:
- 4.1. You must say in chat (/y) when you are mugging someone. (Example: /y This is a mugging 2k or die!)
- 4.2. Wait 15 minutes before mugging another player. You may not mug the same player twice in a row.
- 4.3. You may ignore the mug timer while raiding. All players must be alive and present in base at that time.
- 4.4. Maximum mug is $2,500.
- 4.5. Do not mug in the view of NPCs or in spawn. (Exception: If a player runs into the spawn or NPC.)
- 4.6. You may not kill the victim if they have given you the money.
5. Basing & Raiding:
Basing -
- 5.1. You may not kill anyone on your property until your life is in danger. Warn first. (The person must be holding a weapon in their hand, NOT on their back.)
- 5.2. All props must be supported properly. No floating props.
- 5.3. You must have at least one entrance into the property/area.
- 5.4. No crouch or parkour cades.
- 5.5. Do not leave property abandoned for more than 30 minutes. You must be actively using it.
- 5.6. You may not build on Government property.
- 5.7. There must be at least one door to enter/exit the property.
- 5.8. Do not abuse hitboxes. Players and weapons must be visible behind barriers.
- 5.9. Do not abuse one way viewing. (Windows, props, etc.)
- 5.10. Wait 30 minutes before raiding another player. You may not raid the same player twice in a row. (Exception: You may raid another player twice if two organizations have mutually agreed to a rivalry in which both players are a part of. Raid timer still applies.)
- 5.11. You are not allowed to place props during a raid. (Exception: Uses of ladders are acceptable if properly roleplayed.)
- 5.12. If you are entering a property over a fence. You must use a ladder.
- 5.13. NLR applies. You may not return back to the same raid after death. (Exemption: Government Officials may return if they are called back by another Government Official on scene.)
- 5.14. You may hold hostages for 30 minutes.
- 5.15. The maximum amount of ransom for a hostage is $7,500.
- 5.16. You may not kill the hostages if ransom is paid.
6. Driving:
- 6.1. Try your best to drive according to real life laws.
- 6.2. Do not CDM.
7. General Job Rules:
- 7.1. All players must follow all rules listed under their specific job.
- 7.2. All players must drive according to traffic laws.
- 7.3. Do not kill other players while on the job.
- 7.4. Maximum jail time is 10 minutes!
- 7.5. While being a Government Official, you break all ties with your organization while on the job.
- 7.6. NLR applies to all jobs, except when you are called back to that location by another player in the Government who is on scene.
- 7.7. Police may only pit a vehicle unless being shot at by that vehicle. Deadly force may be used if the suspect uses their vehicle to harm or attempt to harm another player while in a pursuit.
- 7.8. Do not abuse Government equipment. Including lights or sirens.
- 7.9. Do not job farm.
- 7.10. Government Officials may take bribes, but not be fully corrupt, hired or assist in illegal activities. They must follow all current laws. The maximum amount for a bribe is $2,000.
- 7.11. Do not ignore calls for service. You must respond as soon as possible, if available.
- 7.12. If you are issued a weapon. Do not have it out without proper RP reasons. This is FailRP.
- 7.13. You may not finish off any player as a Government Official. This is considered FailRP. Get a Medic to assist, if possible.
- 7.14. Government Officials may not allow civilians to assist in Government Official duties.
- 7.15. You may not become a Government Official to respond to a current or about to happen roleplay situation.
- 7.16. Paid civilian informants are allowed by the Mayor or FBI during a roleplay session.
- 7.17. Paid informants will not disclose they’re working with the Government on a sting operation.
- 7.18. Paid informants must remain discreet and will only be in contact with the Government if new in-game roleplay information occurs or summoned by the Government.
- 7.19. If contacted, paid informants may be advised to report to the police station or a private area in-game using /pm (private message).
Job Rules
8. Police & Police Chief:
Police -
- 8.1. Do not randomly arrest players.
- 8.2. You may only protect the Mayor if the Mayor specifically requests police assistance.
- 8.3. Police may not entrap at Drug dealers or illegal NPCs.
- 8.4. If deadly force is justified or granted by the Police Chief or Mayor. You must use your firearm and not your taser.
- 8.5. In a pursuit, mugging, robbery or raid. You may only shoot the suspect if they are holding a weapon in-hand. Try to arrest without killing first, if possible. Such as your life or someone else's being in danger.
- 8.6. Do not randomly ticket vehicles. Vehicles must be parked illegally or have committed a traffic infraction.
- 8.7. All Government Officials are not allowed to finish unconscious players.
- 8.8. Police may use license plates but this does not mean you have distinguished the alleged driver. Unless the driver has exited the vehicle in a foot pursuit in which you can establish the driver's face from a reasonable distance to the vehicle's registered owner in case they may escape for use of a warrant later.
- 8.9. All Police must announce themselves if entering a property or executing a warrant on a home.
- 8.10. Police may not enter a property without a warrant.
- 8.11. If no warrant is present and police are asked to leave, you must do so.
- 8.12. The only exception to entering without a warrant is if the occupants of the property are in imminent danger or Police have clearly visibly seen illegal drugs without entering the property grounds.
Police Chief -
- 8.13. Do not demote players without a valid RP reason.
- 8.14. Do not give out warrants without a valid RP reason. (Must have a valid reason - seeing drugs through a window)
- 8.15. You may only shoot a door down if the property has a warrant or occupants are in imminent danger.
- 8.16. Police Chief answers to the Mayor. The Mayor is your boss.
9. SWAT & FBI:
- 9.1. SWAT will be utilized in executing arrest warrants, or protecting the Mayor if requested.
- 9.2. SWAT may only respond to serious situations or if they are requested by Police.
- 9.3. SWAT may not respond to traffic stops or enact traffic stops.
- 9.4. SWAT may not patrol. They must remain at the PD ready for a call.
- 9.5. SWAT must announce themselves and ask suspects to put their hands up first. SWAT can ask the suspects to come out with their hands up. SWAT may not shoot unless there is a threat to their lives or others.
- 9.6. FBI is allowed to perform traffic stops.
- 9.7. FBI is allowed to join police pursuits.
- 9.8. FBI can be requested by the Police Chief, Detective or Mayor to help investigate crimes.
- 9.9. FBI can have a maximum of 2 Paid Informants.
- 9.10. FBI must remain discreet when in contact with informants.
- 9.11. FBI may disclose to the Mayor or Police Chief who is an informant.
10. Fire & EMS:
Fire Department -
- 10.1. Fires may not be started to farm money.
- 10.2. Firefighters may patrol for fires, but must return to the station if no fires are found.
- 10.3. Do not abuse your fire axe.
- 10.4. Medics may not revive the same person to farm money.
- 10.5. Medics may patrol or remain on standby at any one public location.
- 10.6. Medics may not rush into a firefight or deadly situation. They must remain at a reasonably safe distance until Police say otherwise.
- 10.7. If a suspect is shot by Police. Wait until Police are present to revive the suspect so he may be arrested after or if the Police tell you to do so.
11. Mayor & SS:
Mayor -
- 11.1. You may authorize the use and growth of marijuana.
- 11.2. You may only authorise the use of handguns and shotguns for home use.
- 11.3. You may assign permits to sell weapons.
- 11.4. You may have 1 personal medic with you at all times.
- 11.5. You may choose the Secret Service you wish. (Including demoting players that are not of use)
- 11.6. You are not immune to the laws or rules above.
- 11.7. You are not allowed to enact martial law.
- 11.8. You may call SWAT to protect you, but only while you’re in danger. Once the threat has been neutralized SWAT may assist the Secret Service in clearing the area for a final sweep before departing.
- 11.9. You may not enact shoot on sight laws.
- 11.10. You may not enact laws that allow for criminal activity to occur such as mugging, robbing, stealing, assault, murder etc.
- 11.11. You may not enact AOS laws for unavoidable gameplay circumstances.
- 11.12. Mayor can have a maximum of 2 Paid Informants.
- 11.13. Mayor must remain discreet when in contact with informants.
- 11.14. Mayor may disclose to the FBI or Police Chief who is an informant.
- 11.15. SS must be with the Mayor unless told otherwise.
- 11.16. SS may not join in on pursuits or help law enforcement. Your job is to protect the Mayor at all costs.
- 11.17. The Mayor may dismiss you at any time for any reason.
- 11.18. If the Mayor requests Police for backup. You are still in charge of the Mayor's protection.
12. Road Crew, Taxi & Bus Driver:
Road Crew -
- 12.1. Do not tow vehicles without a reason.
- 12.2. A cost of $2,000 maximum is allowed to get vehicles back from the impound lot.
- 12.3. You may not block the exit of the impound lot but may use props to make secure parking areas.
- 12.4. You may purchase a property to act as an impound lot. It must have a parking area.
- 12.5. Taxi drivers must use /taxi to communicate with other taxi drivers.
- 12.6. Must follow all traffic laws.
- 12.7. Taxi and bus drivers may take breaks but must do their jobs a majority of the time.
- 12.8. You may receive tips but not ask or demand for tips to give services.
- 12.9. Do not CDM!
Terms & Definitions:
RDM = Random Death Match.
RP = Roleplay
FearRP = Fear Roleplay; Roleplaying fear.
FailRP = Fail Roleplay; Not roleplaying realistically.
OOC = Out Of Character.
LOOC = Local Out Of Character.
IC = In Character.
CDM/VDM = Car/Vehicle Death Match; Purposely killing with a vehicle.
NLR = New Life Rule; You forget your old life after you die.
NLR Timer = 15 minutes.
AOS = Arrest On Sight.
ARDM = Attempted Random Death Match.
RA = Random Arrest.
LTAP = Leave To Avoid Punishment; Leaves server to avoid ban, IC jail time, arrest, etc.
Metagaming = Using OOC/meta information in IC situations.
Powergaming = Using /roll or /me commands in unrealistic ways to gain the advantage in roleplay scenarios.